April 28, 2011

....risen indeed!

Oh death, where is your victory?
Death where is your sting?
Easter is a story of ultimate victory,
of true and lasting peace,
of creation's ultimate triumph,
of love stronger than death
 - or violence
 - or hatred
 - or anger
 - or stupidity
 - or distraction
 - or just dumb luck.
God IS Love,
Creative Love
Unending Love
Poured out and overflowing Love
Heart of my heart Love
Searing, violent tornadic Love
Gently kissing away the tears Love.
This Love Lives!
and gives life
and heals and reacreates in Love.
Yes, despite appearances sometimes, Christ IS risen - risen indeed!
Easter Blessings!


  1. Yeah, sometimes it's hard to get in touch with this at the everyday, felt level. So much seems unresurrected. It helps to be reminded though.

