March 23, 2011

Listening and Healing

Sacred silence
Holy ocean
Gentle water
Washing over me.

Help me listen
Holy Spirit
Come and be with me.

Lyrics to the song that have been in my heart and my head since last Friday when it was sung at the St. Joseph's Day mass at St. Joe's Academy. St. Joseph's Day was Saturday, so I took a half of a day off of work on Friday to begin the celebrations. The Jubilee mass on Saturday was delightful. As always, my favorite part is the hour or so before the mass when everyone gathers. Such wonderful chatter and joy in being together ensues that I almost wish that was the whole of the celebration. Then, however, we get to celebrate Eucharist together and a delicious meal--so the day just gets continually better.

Sunday I had the opportunity to do a presentation for the SLU campus ministry graduate students on "Listening", more specifically I had titled my piece, "Listening to God with Purpose and Awareness." It was a lovely evening. I think my favorite part was actually the ice breaker/get-to-know-you activity. I began with what seemed like a common activity--two people interview each other and then introduce the other person to the group. The twist I put on it was that when it came time to introduce the other person, the speaker could not use any of the information the person gave directly. It definitely made things fun. We really had to listen deeply and "between the lines" and, in the end, I think everyone was amazed at how well listened to we were. I would do that activity again.

Monday morning I took off for the coast. I am staying with a good sister friend in Mobile, AL. Beautiful weather here. We spent today at the beach. We walked and talked and had great prayer time together. I ran and drew and didn't even get sunburn. Tomorrow I think I'll have to spend a little time on school stuff so I don't have to do it all this weekend when I get back, but I am grateful for the break.

My prayer intention for the last week has been that of healing. So many things, so many people, so much brokenness in so many ways. I think healing is an amazing process--a cycle like so many other things. When I am healed I then have more healing power for others, AND, when I reach out in healing to others, I, in turn, am healed. It is amazing how many things work that way.

So, I think my two Lenten focuses thus far are listening and healing. Two different graces definitely connected.


  1. AWESOME!!! --Amy

  2. I agree...AWESOME!
    Tell Becky hello for me :)
    Love you...MOM

