October 08, 2006

The Week That Was

As I sit to write I am hard pressed to remember the details of this past week. I know it was jammed packed with people, ideas, and experiences. Tuesday I was sick--a touch of some kind of flu. I don't think I'll be eating Jello for a while. Although even curled up in bed that evening, I did find the energy to crawl out of bed for my camera to capture the rainbow sunset from my window.

Wednesday's Intercommunity Novitiate gathering was great. S. Jean Meier, CSJ presented on psycho-spiritual development. Some of the phrases and concepts that stick with me are, walking in a relaxed manner, the balance between autonomy and belonging, making every act one of creative love, lenses and perspectives, and looking for the next right answer. All of the presentations have been excellent thus far, and Pat and I both agreed that this week we were happy to claim Jean as one of ours.

Wednesday night S. Tobias came to facilitate an evening with our local novitiate community. Tobias had facilitated our novitiate discernment back in February (the weekend when our community was initially formed), and we thought it would might be helpful for her to come do a little follow-up with us. We each shared the state of our heart, something we had not yet shared with the group, something challenging, and something life-giving. As community building goes, we are still in the "friendly" stage perhaps, watching what we say and do, very mindful of one another. That is not all bad. But, it often leads to deeper community when we can get beyond friendly and share in a way that is a little deeper and sometimes more challenging of ourselves and one another. I know that I am very grateful for the opportunity to be here and to be community with the sisters with whom I am living, and from what I heard Wednesday (and all the time really), we are all willing and eager to commit to community in that rich, life-giving way.
Today Pat, Amy, Paula, and myself went to Missouri Days out at the Botannical Gardens to enjoy the food, music, booths, people, garden, and, fortunately, the beautiful weather.

Some of the sisters preparing to watch the Rams vs. Packers game at Nazareth. We have a large contingent of sisters from Green Bay. (P.S. The Rams did win.)


1 comment:

  1. What a full life! Even if you, Sarah, find it "not busy" in the old way, surely "processing" all of your activities and learning to live in this deeper way takes a lot of energy. Your pictures really add to your blogging, too. Thanks for keeping us all posted. I certainly enjoy each entry!

    Pat M

