November 15, 2011

Some opportunities for women religious to explore their future together....

2012 Online Symposium on Consecrated Life
Join us in 2012 for an ongoing, online conversation on emergent Religious Life which will be Regional and Local, Online and Face-to-Face, Interdisciplinary. The symposium is organized and presented by women religious under the age of 60.
Giving Voice in partnership with Amy Hereford, CSJ (Attorney and Canonist who works on legal issues in Religious Life today), is offering four online events in 2012, each convened on a Sunday afternoon and lasting about 90 minutes. Presenters, responders, and participants can participate from their computers, either individually, or in group settings. Small groups can gather in community rooms to participate, others can gather in larger group settings. These groups can then continue the conversation locally and share their insights in an online forum. For more information or to register click here.  
Emerging Religious Life, Community Life that Energizes for Mission: From Conversation to Action
Do you sense the urgency to commit yourself to the future of religious life as it is emerging today? Do you find yourself longing for community living that energizes you for mission? At the Giving Voice gathering this summer, a group of us sisters in our 40s and 50s felt a new energy stirring among us, and expressed a desire to continue the contemplative process and conversation, moving into action.  
Responding to this desire we invite you to participate in a process beginning this Advent and running through Pentecost. We will use the 12 Marks of the New Monasticism to frame our prayer and conversation. Every two or three weeks, we will take up one of the twelve marks, taking it to our contemplative practice and listening deeply to our God and to the stirring in our hearts. Then we will gather in circles, face-to-face, on skype or in other creative ways to share what has been happening for us around that mark.  
Click here for more information.  Email us to join the conversation.

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