July 18, 2011

Ahhh.... Summertime

I biked up to the garden and picked corn, beans, tomatos and onions - then biked home and cooked it up in a savory summer slurry..... mmmm.....
Our community garden is really going well. I have a plot and Sandy helps with the chickens - so we have fresh eggs. I love getting out in the spring and starting to plant, but it is a real treat to start to get the fresh veggies in.
Last week, we finished up our congregational and federation events. I'm sure I'll have more to say, but it was a great set of meetings, 70 people for two days, then 400 people for the next two days, and the final event was 900 people for four days.
Lots of great conversations - new and old friends. There was a lot of interest and energy around the emerging CSSJ future conversation. I'm just holding that and praying with that now. Later this week we go to Chicago for the Giving-Voice conference. This is an intercommunity intergenerational conversation about religious life.
So - stay cool and enjoy the gifts of summer!

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